Collective Worship





Collective Worship at St. Michael’s

St Michael’s CE (VC) First School is linked to St Michael and St Wulfad’s Church, Stone. We visit on a regular basis with a service at least once per term. These will include, Harvest Celebration, Christmas and Easter. We are happy to be part of this Church family and enjoy the services we attend.

As well as taking part in the regular church services, Reverend Ian is a friend and Governor to our school and comes in regularly with Reverand Alison to see us and lead worship.


Worship Overview

Our Christian Values

Using the Roots and Fruits Worship document and Jack in the Box, we teach our children these core Christian Values in a fun, imaginative and engaging way;

  • Friendship
  • Perseverance
  • Justice
  • Courage
  • Thankfulness
  • Trust
  • Forgiveness

We enrich the children’s learning through quotes and questions, photographs to capture their imagination, stories, poems and prayers. The children model our Christian Values everyday and learn to grow up with a strong moral Christian code.

Class Worship Areas

Our children and staff take pride in their worship corners, building on them throughout the year and theming them to our core values or celebrations. The worship corners are interactive, informative and a place for the children to think, reflect and pray.

We have a weekly class worship where our worship areas are modelled, used and added to with thoughts, pictures and objects. We have a wide selection of Bible’s thorughout the classes and prayer books for the children to listen to, read and inspire creativity for their own.