We are reopening to all of our pupils for the new acadmeic year on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 and we are all looking forward to welcoming the children back to school.
As we navigate through this unprecedented time, we have implemented a number of new safety measures based on guidance from the local authority and UK government. These measures are detailed below and we ask that you take some time to familiarise yourself with them prior to our re-opening.
Summary of Changes
- A new way of entering the school premises and a different place where you will saygoodbye to your child
- Increased hand washing and use of hand sanitiser throughout the school day
- Break times and lunchtimes in their Year group bubbles (currently being implemented and will be reviewd at October half term)
- No whole school gatherings e.g. worship times (following local guidance from Staffordshire County Council)
- Year groups will be grouped as ‘bubbles’
Drop Off
A one way system is operating on Weaver’s lane to help maintain social distancing –Please walk on the left hand side and avoid blocking the lane. Please do not enter the Lane until the appropriate time.
Drop Off:
8.50am – 9.00am – for all year groups.
Please ensure that you continue to maintain social distancing and follow the one-way system whilst on the school site.
Children need to be collected from the playgrounds (with the exception of Nursery who will be collected from their classroom) where they will be waiting with their teachers in class lines.
Parents need to follow the one way system and remain in the marked areas – your child will then be sent across to you. Please help us make this transfer smooth by continuing to walk along the marked path and not overtaking other parents and their children.
Please note children in Year 4 must be collected from the playground and not the top gate.
Our school day ends for all year groups at 3:30pm.
Social Distancing and Social Mixing
Currently, all of our Year Groups will each be identified as a ‘bubble’, following guidance from Staffordshire County Council. For the most part children will be taught in their own classes however there may be times when children mix within their year group bubbles. Children may take part in small group intervention with children from the other class within their year group and year groups will spend time at break times and lunchtimes together on the playground or eating their lunch.
Where possible during the school day the contact between year groups will be minimised. The passing of children from other year groups for example in the corridors or toilet blocks will occur, however this is seen as minimal risk.
As a school we have strict hygiene procedures in place. Children will wash hands or use hand sanitisers (provided by school) on entry to school and at various identified points during the school day.
Hand sanitiser will be used by the children at points during the school day. This will be provided by the school and its use supervised by a member of staff,
Please do not send your child into school with an individual hand sanitiser.
If your child has any allergies linked to this that we need to be aware of please email details to the school office.
We ask that your child and whoever is bringing them into school washes their hands thoroughly before leaving home to help support us in this.
Lessons on handwashing and ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ will take place.
Infection Control
To ensure the safety of all, the following procedures will be put in place. Please help support us and help keep everyone safe by following the government directives.
No child or adult who is showing any symptoms for coronavirus will be permitted into school.
In the event of a child developing any symptoms during the school day they will be removed from the classroom and isolated. They will be supervised by a member of staff (please be aware this member of staff may be wearing PPE equipment).
From June 1st 2021 any staff member or child attending school who displays symptoms can be tested at national centres for Covid-19. It is important that if your child or anyone in your household has any corona virus symptoms they are tested.
In the event of someone in school testing positive for Covid-19 we will follow guidance and directives issued by Public Health England.
Uniform and Belongings
All children should return in September wearing full school uniform and school shoes. If you need any support with this please contact the school as we have a number of preowned uniforms available.
Please ensure that all uniform and PE kits are clearly named.
All children must have a warm, waterproof coat in school – wherever possible we will try and get the children outside at break and lunchtimes.
Your child may bring a school bag into school. This needs to be stored on their peg during the school day. If your child brings a packed lunch to school this needs to be in a named lunchbox. Please ensure that any containers inside lunchboxes are easy for your child to open independently.
Your child should bring a named water bottle into school each day. Please ensure it is clearly named on the side of the bottle where it can be seen by all children.
All children must have a PE kit in school suitable for indoor PE. On outdoor PE days, your child should come to school dressed in their outdoor kit.
Medicines need to be fully labelled and brought to the school office. Please remember in line with school policy we can only administer medicine if it is prescribed for 4 times a day or more.
Before/After School Clubs
We are pleased to announce that our before and after school clubs will be reopening for the new academic year. Please email the club in the usual way to book a place for your child.
Please be aware, we will email parents if any changes need to be made to extra-curricular clubs dur to COVID-19 restrictions.
Home Learning
If the school is closed to identified year groups or the whole school on any occasion then home learning will be provided for your child via our Seesaw platform to ensure continuity of education.
Contacting Us
We are asking that contact between you and school wherever possible is by email not through face to face contact with the office staff.
Please do not send paper based letters or notes into school.
If you need to speak to a member of staff please email the school office and they will phone you back.
For any urgent communication please phone the school office.
Wherever possible communication will not be sent on paper – email and text services will be used. It is therefore vital that we have up to date contact information for yourselves.