Y3 at Open Door Church

On Friday, Year 3 took part in a variety of activities at St Michael’s and St Wulfad’s Church in an open door event. They began with a welcome service followed by a range of activities including; making and exploring stain glass windows, writing prayers...

Welcome Back Friendship Club!

It has been wonderful to see Friendship club begin again this week. A group of children from Yr1 – Yr4 met with Mrs Child’s this lunchtime to begin to explore the value of friendship. They each thought about what made a good friend, alongside making some...

St Michael’s Supporting Christian Aid Week

We are happy to be supporting Christian Aid week at St Michael’s. Alongside our family competition which you will have received a letter about, we are supporting Christian Aid by thinking about ‘Turning Hunger into Hope’. Children all took part in...

Bug Hotels in Year 1!

As part of their Science, Year 1 have been learning about different animal groups. Whilst learning about insects they have been thinking carefully about what insects may need in their habitat. Children have been out in the forest designing and making ‘Bug...

A Super Busy Week for Clubs!

What a busy week for after school clubs! We have had a great turn out for Adventurers, PTA film club and gardening club. Gardening club have been exploring the value of ‘thankfulness’ this week. They have  been thinking about how lucky children and staff...