Adventures Gardening

Adventures have been busy gardening this week! They have been exploring the creation story, looking at the beauty is God’s world. They planted some beautiful flowers whilst thinking about this. What super work!

Visit to Sandon All Saint’s

On Thursday, Year 1 went to visit Sandon All Saints Church. They had a wonderful morning packed full of fun activities. Children went on a hunt around the church exploring its features, they planted seeds and observed the lambs, took part in craft activities and even...

Easter Celebrations

Wow! We have had such a busy week at St Michael’s with our build up to Easter. As a school community, it has been lovely to have so many families join us for our Easter Celebrations and Easter Cafes. A big thank you to everyone who joined us. Thank you to...

Adventurer’s Fun!

Adventurer’s club have had lots of fun this week, creating their own colour coded prayer bracelet to help them to remember the Lords Prayer. They have had  super creative half term, making a giant cross for the wall display, sun catchers and much more. Thank you...

Year 2 Community Links

Year 2’s enjoyed learning about how paramedics helps us and keep us safe. They enjoyed looking around the ambulance and listening to a real life paramedic. We are so thankful for our visitors for taking time out of their day to come and share how they help in...