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Latest Updates from our School
Big Green Week at St Michael’s
We are having a super week for our WOW Week - 'Great Big Green Week'. Children across the school have been taking part in activities to develop their thinking about being active citizens in taking care of our beautiful planet. Here is a link to the 'Big Green Week'...
Super Squirrel Harry!
Well done to Harry Salt in Year 1! He has earned the 'Super Squirrel' teddy at Squirrels out of school for showing kindness. He has been helping the adults and children at his club. We are all super proud of you!
KS1 Harvest Festival
We would like like to say a big thank you to the families, Governors, friends and Reverend Ian for joining us at our Key Stage 1 Harvest Service. The children were fantastic! They performed 2 songs, spoke clearly and held up their props with great confidence. For our...
Harvest Collection for Stone Food Bank
A big thank you to all of our wonderful families who donated towards Stone Food Bank for Harvest.
UNICEF club have been busy!
This week in UNICEF we have been learning about article 27 the right to have a house. The children discussed how the children of Ukraine must be feeling having to leave their homes. They have shown great compassion and empathy towards others. Well done UNICEF club.
Year 2 – Want or Need?
As part of Year 2 RE children have been thinking carefully about whether something is a 'want' or a 'need'. This has led to some super interesting classroom discussions. Mrs Williams Fenton was particularly impressed with how deeply the children were thinking. Well...
Bridget’s Fundraising Walk
Well done to Bridget in 1H who completed a memory walk with her family this weekend. It is brilliant to see some fundraising in the local community. We are all super proud of you at St Michael's.
Beach clean up
Bonnie from our Reception class has been busy doing a beach clean up! She joined in with her family and the Marine Conservation society research group to clean up the beaches of rubbish to protect our animals. She collected 176 pieces of rubbish in just 1 hour! Well...
Windrush Day 2022
UNICEF Ambassadors were learning all about Windrush Day 2022. They have learnt about the history and the discrimination people experienced. They thought about how the people would have felt. Following this, they reflected on how Britain is proudly diverse and explored...
Well Done St Michael’s – 2nd Place 🙂
On Saturday 18th June, St Michael's First School took 2nd Place prize with their float entry for Stone Carnival. Over the last 6 weeks, the children, staff and carnival committee have worked tirelessly to prepare all the resources and props for the float. Everything...