The UNICEF Ambassadors have been learning all about Braille as part of International Braille Day that happened earlier this month. They learnt about who invented it and how blind people use it. They had a go at creating words using tennis balls and baking tins to...

Salvation Army Donations

Mrs Williams Fenton would like to thank all of the community for your kind donations for our Christmas Salvation Army appeal. She is going to deliver them today and knows that every donation will be greatly appreciated.  

KS1 Christmas Tree Festival

A big thank you to Reverand Jim and Dennis who led KS1 in a super morning at St Michael’s Church exploring Christian Traditions. Children loved exploring different features of the church alongside completing some art work.

Understanding Christianity Day

As part of RE learning , children have been exploring ‘The Frieze’ artwork. It is a timeline of the Bible, representing key books and significant moments. Children have worked hard, recreating different panels from this artwork from their own...

UNICEF Cake Sale

We would like to thank all of our wonderful families who came along to our UNICEF cake sale at the end of last half term. We had a huge turn out again! Mrs William’s Fenton and UNICEF ambassadors raised a wonderful £211.36 for the NSPCC! Well done...

NSPCC kindness week

In the Early Years we have been thanking the staff in our school for all their hard work. We have made thank you kindness cards and delivered them to say a big thank you for looking after us at school!