St Michael’s Supporting Christian Aid Week

We are happy to be supporting Christian Aid week at St Michael’s. Alongside our family competition which you will have received a letter about, we are supporting Christian Aid by thinking about ‘Turning Hunger into Hope’. Children all took part in...

Bug Hotels in Year 1!

As part of their Science, Year 1 have been learning about different animal groups. Whilst learning about insects they have been thinking carefully about what insects may need in their habitat. Children have been out in the forest designing and making ‘Bug...

The chicks are hatching

An egg-cellent morning for Early Years children, some of our chicks have hatched. We will keep a close eye on them and keep them cosy in their incubator today so they can cheep to their other little egg friends. Fingers crossed for more little hatchlings today.

A Super Busy Week for Clubs!

What a busy week for after school clubs! We have had a great turn out for Adventurers, PTA film club and gardening club. Gardening club have been exploring the value of ‘thankfulness’ this week. They have  been thinking about how lucky children and staff...

Chicks Arrive in Reception!

Eggs have arrived in our Reception classes, how egg-citing! The children over the next 2 weeks will watch them hatch into chicks and look after them. At the moment our chicks are in an incubator keeping warm. Watch this space and we will keep you updated.

What have Adventurers Club been learning this week?

Mrs Carnes and Adventurers Club have been busy learning about ‘Matthew’ this week. The children were reflecting and thinking about whether the word of Jesus was easy to learn about and what could make this a little tricky! To help them think about this,...