St. Michael's CE (VC) First School

Welcome from the Headteacher





It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to St. Michael’s CE (VC) First School’s website. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school and all that goes on here.

As a school we strive to develop our children as life- long learners and instil in them a passion for learning. This is achieved through giving all children access to an exciting and motivating curriculum, a wide range of extra-curricular activities and a caring and experienced team of staff to support them on their educational journey. We are very fortunate to have extensive school grounds which include a large playing field, woodland nature area and outdoor classroom all of which help enhance our children’s learning.

Our Church of England ethos promotes the children’s understanding of our Christian values, living our lives making the right choices and showing respect to all those around us. This is encapsulated in our school statement ‘Through God we love, laugh and learn’

‘This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.’ Psalm 118:24

It is our desire for children to leave St. Michael’s with a love of learning, the confidence to express their own opinions whilst valuing and respecting the views of others and the personal goal and determination to achieve their very best.

If you are considering choosing St. Michael’s CE (VC) First School for your child please contact the school to arrange a time to visit and see all that we have to offer.

Mrs J Wass
