Forest School and Outdoor Learning
Everyday is an adventure.
At St Michael’s we have extensive grounds to explore including a woodland area, large field, pond area and an outdoor roofed classroom. This ensures all children have the opportunity to go outdoors and learn in different areas to develop different skills.
Year group work:
Early Years Foundation Stage
Both nursery and reception use the woodland on a weekly basis and the children have a fantastic time exploring. We undertake activities such as building stick houses for the gruffalo characters, plant and leaf hunts, mini beast hunts, drawing the woodland and exploring the changes through the seasons.
Key Stage 1
Years 1 and 2 take their learning outdoor in their science, geography, art and many other lessons with their class teachers. The children explore the changing seasons, look for micro-habitats, build their own dens, explore fire lighting for cooking in small groups and begin to use tools safely to make pegs from sticks.
Key Stage 2
The children extend their learning in the woodland learning about habitats, food chains, similarities and differences between deciduous woodland and rain forests as well as environmental art. The children go back in time to the Stone Age in year 3 using nature to create hammers with rocks and sticks and bows with wool and sticks. In year 4 the children have the opportunity to learn how to cook on a fire and build dens learning specific knots ready for their residential trip to Laches Wood.