NSPCC Number Day

It is NSPCC number day and we are raising money for charity by dressing up as numbers and engaging in lots of math activities throughout the day. The staff enjoyed joining in too!

Police visitors

An exciting day for Reception children meeting the police for our topic ‘Not all superhero’s fly!’ Stone police officers have been to see the children to talk about their jobs and how they help us in the community. We then sat in a police car and...

It’s Christmas!

What a fantastic two weeks the teachers and all of the children have had at St Michael’s celebrating the build up to Christmas. We have enjoyed Nativities, Carols, Choir, Christmas Lunch and Class Parties to name a few events! The children have thoroughly...

Year 2 Trip to Stone Library & St Michael’s Church

The children visited the school’s advent window in town. They then walked to St. Michael’s Church where they explored the church and its features. They also looked at the Christmas trees that were decorated for the Christmas tree festival. The children spotted the...

Thank you friendship club

Thank you friendship club and Mrs. Childs for decorating the beautiful friendship club Christmas tree. Their decorations all represented values they believed are important to use during the Christmas period.  The tree has now been taken to St Michael’s Church by...

Christingle Making

We have enjoyed a beautiful Christingle Worship at St Michael’s today delivered by Mr. Abbott. The children have thoroughly enjoyed making their Christingles after this. We look forward to seeing many of our families at the Christingle service on Sunday.