Beach clean up

Bonnie from our Reception class has been busy doing a beach clean up! She joined in with her family and the Marine Conservation society research group to clean up the beaches of rubbish to protect our animals. She collected 176 pieces of rubbish in just 1 hour! Well...

Windrush Day 2022

UNICEF Ambassadors were learning all about Windrush Day 2022. They have learnt about the history and the discrimination people experienced. They thought about how the people would have felt. Following this, they reflected on how Britain is proudly diverse and explored...

Well Done St Michael’s – 2nd Place :)

On Saturday 18th June, St Michael’s First School took 2nd Place prize with their float entry for Stone Carnival. Over the last 6 weeks, the children, staff and carnival committee have worked tirelessly to prepare all the resources and props for the float....

A Royal Welcome for the Children Today!

What an exciting start of the week for the children! Children arrived at school today to find their school had been decorated with bunting, flags and balloons to kick start our week of Jubilee Celebrations! Some of the teachers around school were looking at little...

Y3 at Open Door Church

On Friday, Year 3 took part in a variety of activities at St Michael’s and St Wulfad’s Church in an open door event. They began with a welcome service followed by a range of activities including; making and exploring stain glass windows, writing prayers...

Welcome Back Friendship Club!

It has been wonderful to see Friendship club begin again this week. A group of children from Yr1 – Yr4 met with Mrs Child’s this lunchtime to begin to explore the value of friendship. They each thought about what made a good friend, alongside making some...